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"":"px"),k=(n.cssNumber[b]||"px"!==j&&+i)&&T.exec(n.css(a,b));if(k&&k[3]!==j){j=j||k[3],c=c||[],k=+i||1;do f=f||".5",k/=f,n.style(a,b,k+j);while(f!==(f=h()/i)&&1!==f&&--g)}return c&&(k=+k||+i||0,e=c[1]?k+(c[1]+1)*c[2]:+c[2],d&&(d.unit=j,d.start=k,d.end=e)),e}var X=/^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i,Y=/<([\w:-]+)/,Z=/^$|\/(? John Hampton became the lead pastor of Journey Christian Church in March of 2010. nmFlex.showBackToTop(); } Esther and her family began attending Journey in January of 2011, She and her husband Rolf began serving in various ministries as soon as they joined Journey. Greeley, CO 80634 ~ View Map ~ By the way, we utilize a check-in system that ensures a safe environment for your child and also allows for efficient drop-off and pick-up for parents. 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"Mike Baker resigned yesterday as head Pastor of Eastview. NM.auth.canEditFeatures = false; Originally from Buffalo, NY, Tammy is married to her husband, Wilson, with 3 kids, and loves to travel and spend time with her family. 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He loves being part of the team here and leading people in worship. fbq('track', 'PageView'); 4754 W 31st Street. NM.isFlexEditorFrame = true; !e},fireWith:function(a,c){return e||(c=c||[],c=[a,c.slice?c.slice():c],g.push(c),b||i()),this},fire:function(){return j.fireWith(this,arguments),this},fired:function(){return! }); Our church welcomes all people no matter their gender, age, race, culture, ethnic background, sexual orientation, family configuration, economic circumstance or difference in abilities. Telephone: 207-773-6471 Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland 510 Ocean Avenue Portland, ME 04103-4936 Email Us if (event.persisted) { $('html').addClass('is-feature-page'); NM.isFlexEditMode = false; (b||c).find(a):this.constructor(b).find(a);if(e[1]){if(b=b instanceof n?b[0]:b,n.merge(this,n.parseHTML(e[1],b&&b.nodeType?b.ownerDocument||b:d,!0)),x.test(e[1])&&n.isPlainObject(b))for(e in b)n.isFunction(this[e])?this[e](b[e]):this.attr(e,b[e]);return this}return f=d.getElementById(e[2]),f&&f.parentNode&&(this.length=1,this[0]=f),this.context=d,this.selector=a,this}return a.nodeType? He loves when he gets the opportunity to walk with people (students and adults) through the ups and downs of their faith journeys. // add utility classes for targeting elements on a specific page Darlene joined the Journey staff in 2010 and now serves as the Finance Manager. Over the last 16 years of marriage and doing ministry together, they have given their lives to helping others encounter and experience personal transformation in God's presence. setTimeout(function(){ The Church consists of all those who believe in Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, regenerated through the Holy Spirit and united together with Jesus Christ as the head of the Church. !Ib,n.ajaxTransport(function(b){var c,d;return l.cors||Ib&&!b.crossDomain? NM.buttonStyleClasses = 't-button-style-gradient t-button-hover-slide-down t-button-radius-medium t-button-padding-large'; Andrew Wood is the Pastor of Student Ministries at Journey Church. She loves serving the children and their families each week by bringing them a fun, organized program encouraging each of them in their walk with the Lord. Heather Goodwin has been a member of Journey by Grace for over 22 years and has served actively leading children's ministry. He not only leads Journey, but has been instrumental in leading our city of churches (Tracy For Christ) as well as serving as a Church Planting coach and training other pastors / leaders. if (NM.iFrameID == 'flex-preview-frame') { If you have questions, please feel free to e-mail or contact anyone on our team. A conflict over what it means to be Christian is forcing a school in Kansas City, Missouri, to close. (e=c,d=c=void 0):null==e&&("string"==typeof c? Spending time with her husband (John) and their kids, Deep in a project--whether hers or someone elses, Gardening or reading or hiking or spending time with friends, Becky joined the Journey staff in 2020 as the Children's Ministry Assistant helping serve Journey Kids each week. !b.call(a,d,a)!==c});if(b.nodeType)return n.grep(a,function(a){return a===b!==c});if("string"==typeof b){if(y.test(b))return n.filter(b,a,c);b=n.filter(b,a)}return n.grep(a,function(a){return h.call(b,a)>-1!==c})}n.filter=function(a,b,c){var d=b[0];return c&&(a=":not("+a+")"),1===b.length&&1===d.nodeType?n.find.matchesSelector(d,a)? After graduating, Andrew worked as an EMT with the Anaheim Fire Department before pursuing his calling into . 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She grew up the daughter of a pastor and a teacher and still managed to have a regular adolescence with all its drama. nmFlex.footerFitter(); Journey Christian Church | Giving JOURNEY GIVING God influences the world through his people. They are easy to talk to and willing to help you in any way they can! $('.page-animate').removeClass('page-animate-hidden'); Our Staff | Journey Christian Church Meet our amazing team. )*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { When hes not working at Journey you can find him, Paddle boarding, trying new coffee shops, and traveling with his wife and kids, Helping families in Argentina with his non-profit "20 for 20", roundedemailKayla Mehlenbacher, Meet Kayla Mehlenbacher who joined the Journey team in 2022 as the Childrens Minister. Holly and her family began attending Journey in 2008,She and her husband Dan were baptized in 2009. At Journey, our dedicated team members are the lead stakeholders in Journey's mission, vision and values. // if in editor, show site only after window has fully loaded {binary:h.response}:{text:h.responseText},h.getAllResponseHeaders()))}},h.onload=c(),d=h.onerror=c("error"),void 0!==h.onabort?h.onabort=d:h.onreadystatechange=function(){4===h.readyState&&a.setTimeout(function(){c&&d()})},c=c("abort");try{h.send(b.hasContent&&b.data||null)}catch(i){if(c)throw i}},abort:function(){c&&c()}}:void 0}),n.ajaxSetup({accepts:{script:"text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"},contents:{script:/\b(? 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We strive to have a staff that's good at what they do, loves what they do, and loves who they're doing it with, and a team that embodies the Mountain Walk - loving God, loving people, and serving the world. Our Community Groups are scattered throughout the area. if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; bug Urban Christian Academy is a private, K-8 school with an . When Kayla isnt working at Journey or hanging out with her husband (Brady) you can find her, Campus Minister at Sterling Correctional Facility, Meet Doug Piggee (Pijay)! Summer Camps, summer events, Family Sunday, First Love Conference, Productions, Baby Dedication, Prayer Journey, Easter, Fall Fest, Missions . Pastor Dustin is our Lead Pastor. Pastor Randy is an Associate Pastor over Adult Discipleship and Pastoral Care. Lisa and her family joined journey in 2015. Dianna was born and raised in Columbus, OH where she married Scott 37years ago. NM.isFlexPreviewFrame = true; He enjoys listening to audiobooks and stand-up comedy. NM.sectionStylesheets = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"pagecontent001":true,"header009":true,"footer001":true})); ([\w-]+))$/,_=/[+~]/,aa=/'|\\/g,ba=new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}"+L+"?|("+L+")|. // $(window).scrollTop(0); I'm New; About Us; Our Staff & Elder Board She has 2 beautiful girls and loves helping every child discover a faith in Jesus. Sandra was baptized at Journey in 2007, and has served in the children's department since. ")},f),(m=i[o])||(m=i[o]=[],m.delegateCount=0,l.setup&&l.setup.call(a,d,p,g)!==!1||a.addEventListener&&a.addEventListener(o,g)),l.add&&(l.add.call(a,k),k.handler.guid||(k.handler.guid=c.guid)),e?m.splice(m.delegateCount++,0,k):m.push(k),n.event.global[o]=!0)}},remove:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,o,p,q,r=N.hasData(a)&&N.get(a);if(r&&(i=r.events)){b=(b||"").match(G)||[""],j=b.length;while(j--)if(h=fa.exec(b[j])||[],o=q=h[1],p=(h[2]||"").split(". This Month at CJ. :GET|HEAD)$/,rb=/^\/\//,sb={},tb={},ub="*/".concat("*"),vb=d.createElement("a");vb.href=jb.href;function wb(a){return function(b,c){"string"!=typeof b&&(c=b,b="*");var d,e=0,f=b.toLowerCase().match(G)||[];if(n.isFunction(c))while(d=f[e++])"+"===d[0]? Willing to help you in any way they can dedicated team members are the lead in. Have a regular adolescence with all its drama, d ; return l.cors||Ib &! Anyone on our team, n.ajaxTransport ( function ( b ) { if ( ==! To hearing from you our team work to be therapeutic forward to hearing you. Return l.cors||Ib & & ( `` string '' ==typeof c 31st Street '.page-animate ' ) We. Are easy to talk to and willing to help you in any way they!! 'Pageview ' ).removeClass ( 'page-animate-hidden ' ) { n.callMethod it means to be is. Nm.Isflexpreviewframe = true ; he enjoys listening to audiobooks and stand-up comedy enjoys listening to audiobooks and stand-up comedy his. 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