Twelve treasure boxes were buried at secret locations across North America. Latitudes & longitudes get us to Houston (from the image). I don't remember exactly what John and Byron were going for. These features are meant to give a sudden jolt of recognition - an "Aha! The image of a Spanish conquistador atop the outline of Florida ties in with the book's immigration theme and tells us to look for a spot associated with the arrival of Spanish explorers on the Florida peninsula. I am not sure I want to continue my dig? Several people have commented on the intriguing story of the William Wilson Treasure. We have identified a spot at the base of a tree that would agree with both the image and the verse. Several of the clues that would presumably get us to Cleveland are still unsolved, but the visual references to the Greek Cultural Garden are very clear and unambiguous. Status: Casque 7 was almost certainly buried in downtown New Orleans on the site where the former St. Charles Hotel once stood. Although not being able to retrieve it I will keep my mouth closed on that. Terms of use / Privacy policy / GDPR, About this workspace Despite Preiss tragic death in a 2005 car accident, his treasures are still being sought. fairies? It linked the Liberty Bell and the arches to Philadelphias many other bell-shaped icons, and he was certain that it referred to Philadelphia. There will be references to the number of steps in a staircase, or the name of a highway bridge, or the view across a lake, or the naming of paths in a community garden. That just doesn't seem likely at all. Only three of the boxes have been found in the last 40 years, three of which were in Cleveland, Chicago, and Boston. per Person only. The clues are both visual - attractive artwork - and in the form of verse - clues to the location of the treasure. The hunt involves a search for twelve treasure boxes, the clues to which were provided in a book written by Preiss in 1982, also called The Secret. The sad reality is that this one is probably gone for good. [4] The Boston treasure box's recovery was filmed for Discovery Channel's television show Expedition Unknown and aired on Wednesday, October 30, 2019. The design of Image 7 linked the new architecture with the old, and the arrows of the walking route ended simply in the word "PRESERVATION." No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, yadda yadda yadda, party on! The Secret is a treasure hunt created by Byron Preiss. Over the past few months Ben has been going through his archive to find as many photos from the Secret as he can. If you are asking when he might have buried the casques, according to publicity interviews Preiss did when the book launched in Nov, 1982 - they give varying accounts on when he did it but all seem to point to a time frame of Fall/Winter '81 to early Spring '82. It's a beautiful spot but that selection is going to make the recovery a little bit difficult. But doing that with a printout might be a different experience than trying it with the book. Cyn on September 30, 2019 at 2:59 am . In 1982, children's book author Byron Preiss published The Secret, about a mythical treasure and its guardiansmagical creatures hidden from human view. No scanner invented that. Brian Zinn discovered the riddle after looking through old law textbooks. [4][5] The first was found in Chicago, Illinois; the second in Cleveland, Ohio; and the most recent treasure box was found in Boston, Massachusetts. Location of the treasure. I think you would have a lot of visuals if you got yourself there. Despite decades of searching (as well as a recent Travel Channel special) for the location of the Milwaukee casque, there is no tangible sign of it. It is interesting to note that the treasure wasnt discovered by chance. Free accounts will now be limited to only 1,000 photos, which means that many relevant photos from the albums listed above (and others) will soon be going away. Status: The search for Casque 1 has narrowed to a strip of land in Golden Gate Park, extending from the eastern end of Strawberry Hill to the California Academy of Sciences. Also as mentioned- the next image is printed directly onto the back of that image. The alignment of a fountain and the moon-like dome of a building pinpoints the exact spot for the dig. Please add any additional information you have! } Now you can find what you're looking for wherever it lives. The key to finding the casques was to match one of 12 paintings to one of 12 poetic verses, solve the . Houston Searchers: We have posted a very detailed Solution for Image 8 and Verse 1 that walks through the different clues and narrows the spot down to about a square yard. You don't have permission to comment on this page. A spot that is completely bare today could easily have held several large trees forty years ago. Head down the stairs and defeat the enemies inside the room. If you get within 2 inches and you depend on the metal detector to find it and it is a burlap re-enforced casque, you will miss it. Broadly speaking, there are two types of puzzles in The Secret: The key thing to keep in mind in solving a journey puzzle is that none of the clues after the initial starting point were meant to be interpreted by armchair enthusiasts (using 1980's tools). The total length of these wires is < 3". There was a claim in October of 2019 that the Boston casque had been found. Although the image appears to have many references to the downtown area, the reference to "92 steps" in the verse would appear to focus our attention directly on the Grand Staircase. TICKETS. i will be going back soon to check for more. for those who dont know JM, He and Kit Palencar did the Tribute 13th casque. Preiss was killed in an auto accident in the summer of 2005, but the hunt for his casques continues. The text of the book includes twelve verses that describe (in varying detail) where a casque is hidden. Hi everyone, I was studying image 10, and it was getting late but I had printed a copy of image 10, from this website, and held it up to the light of the window, so I could see a bit better, and holy cow I found all kinds of images. But now it presents an obstacle. In the shadow under north wing. This is the image associated with immigration from China. The treasure is thought to have been buried on Otter Island in Lake Superior. } These boxes were buried at secret locations in cities across the United States and Canada that symbolically represent events and peoples that played significant roles in North American history. Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings; Alaskan Bush People . Marks the Spot for Buried Treasure", "Discovery Channel team to dig up Charleston's White Point Garden in search of buried key", "In Search of the Roanoke Island Casque of The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt: Six Questions with Dustin and Deidra White", "Treasure: A 22-year quest ends in a park in Cleveland", "Travel Channel show revisits '80s treasure find in Grant Park", "The Secret of Byron Preiss: How they found the Chicago key", "There's a secret treasure in New Orleans. The verse to the Kitty Hawk kill Devil hills say under the north wing. Icons for the 12 images. Your contributions can explain a theory, but you should avoid lecturing the readers or putting down other approaches. What you won't see is any mention of a major tourist landmark that would have been on maps or brochures in 1980. The paper is similar to that you find in a biography or something where the text pages are in standard paper and the paintings section is whiter and more card like. An Evening with Cole May. Reply. { But both of those were obstacles added later on top of the soil. Good luck to all who are really trying to figure it out! Here's my own personal assessment of the Top 10 Recent Discoveries on The Secret! San Francisco Searchers: We have a Proposed Solution for Image 1 and Verse 7 that narrows the search area to a small section of path at the top of an outdoor stairwell in Golden Gate Park. Left hand accepting, right hand releasing. Inside the pages of the treasure hunt boxes, hidden within their pages would be a series of clues. Linda are you still in St Augustine? He sent the negatives off to be restored and rescanned, and now he is releasing the highest quality prints I have ever seen. The map gets us to the right area and then the verse takes us on a stroll through some of the local landmarks. we are trying to set up a floating candle vigil for Tues April 13 2021. Take twice as many east steps as the hour Or more In New Orleans, I will show how the journey of African American people of the city is key to connecting the clues into a path to the treasure, from the gatherings of slaves, the transition of the city following the Civil War, to education and the battle for civil rights. So he had previously lived in SF and had to have been quite familiar with the area. Armchair searchers have made great progress on these puzzles, but even the internet has its limits when dealing with Preiss's convoluted way of making connections. The way ahead is locked, and in the room are two platforms on the floor and one movable cube, but two will be . [1] The book contains 12 images and 12 verses; an image must be linked to a verse, with the information they contain used to locate a buried "treasure casque". Most of the locomotive was painted black, but the nose was a bright, shiny silver that made it visible from a long ways away. That's how the wiki process works. And it is something that is able to be made more clear via photoshop-like enhancement. Is anyone? 2. If it seems like the ground may have been left undisturbed, it might be worth trying to get the necessary permissions. The two tall trees, hints of a picket fence, a shape very similar to the older version of the fountain, with a moon-like orb behind - the FOY planetarium. (Just don't try to dig without permission.). Under the eye , blow it up and turn upside down and you will see the monument icon for the Milwaukee picture is likely to be the millstone that is being juggled. Those places would have made it far easier for Preiss to dig without being observed, but they would also make it less clear why searchers should get permission before digging. But in other cases (San Francisco, St. Augustine, and Houston) there still seems to be a good chance of recovery, if a dig is done the right way with the full permission and cooperation of the relevant property owners. That spot also gives a single-point perspective over the receding ties on the train bridge (image & verse). Any place that is likely to have underground irrigation or electrical wiring should immediately be ruled out as a digging spot. UPDATE: THREE casques have been found since 1981: in Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, and Boston, MA. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( I hope the renewed interest leads to some finds and/or a better re-printing in the near future! Preiss wasn't expecting you to dig through some nice lawn in the middle of a park or an athletic field. let me know what ya think. This is pretty accurately represents the 5 boroughs and the jewel being in Brooklyn is A location clue. In every case that we know of, the feature is something man-made (probably to give it permanence and ensure that the shape wouldn't change over time). Sounds like a very gracious fella in sharing a few of his memories with you. Puzzle your way through the wintery Naumburg (Saale) as a team on the hunt for the Christmas treasure! For more background on the book and the authors, see the history page on this wiki. The monument and the shadow form a plane . When one is standing in the correct spot for the dig, the tracks receding over the train bridge in the distance resemble the lines on the stone plaza in the painting. In the scene the Sufi has one hand pointing to the sky accepting something from God, and one hand pointed to the earth giving something back. The first room you enter is a bit of a puzzle. Since scans and photoshop were not available in the 80's I wondered if maybe holding the page up to the light was a technique we were intended to use. The "Aha!" This book, published in 1982 by Byron Preiss, includes 12 images and 12 verses which need correctly matched together in order to discover clues to locations of 12 buried ceramic casks. If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. Security cameras will probably make a secret dig impossible. Several websites dedicated to finding Preiss treasure were launched in the 1990s as a result of the internets popularity. For almost 40 years, The Secret: A Treasure Hunt, has taunted searchers. If you've completed the . Keep up the good work! His steady work over the years has also identified some subtle and flat out hard-to-see details of Image 1 that no one else has spotted. The rest is of the fair people. How does this book have no reviews?!? Way over my head. Inside the pages of the treasure hunt boxes, hidden within their pages would be a series of clues. The woman's dress is a map of Golden Gate Park, rotated 90 degrees so the western edge is at the top. Ben will also be selecting a couple of photos every few weeks and making a post about them. The casque was found in Chicago in 1983. Whenever you search in PBworks, Dokkio Sidebar (from the makers of PBworks) will run the same search in your Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack. [5] The remaining nine treasure boxes have not yet been recovered. If you want to add to this wiki, but you aren't sure where to start, please check our To Do List. Apparently He does know were some of them are buried. None of these proposals can be considered definitive or correct unless a casque is found. Stercox's albums - Images from the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, divided into. 49 Likes, 0 Comments - Delish VITCC (@delishvitcc) on Instagram: "Delish brings VIT Chennai their first ever Treasure Hunt themed vlogging event . There are currently nine treasure hunt boxes from Preisss book that are still hidden, and another may be discovered in the near future. The arched and divided panel behind the woman is a match for an arched window in the New York area. Nevertheless, there appear to be certain common themes or approaches that are common to all of the puzzles. But we know he is obligated at many levels not to tell. For this week, we have a new treasure hunt which will first require solving a clue and then looking for the treasure chest just like . The Paul Revere reference gets us to Boston. It appears that Preiss may have been casual about the distinction between public and private property (or he simply may not have known who owned a piece of land). So if you have a really really good metal detector and you get within an inch or two of the casque and it is one that has wire re-enforcement, you will have no trouble finding it. BOOK HERE! The table below gives the most likely connections, based on the work that has been done so far. Proceed up the turning staircase and continue forward to . The odds alone of getting those 16 letters in that order are 1 in 43 sextillion. "We dont get a lot of new input related to the verses, but wiki user Jess made a potentially big discovery related to Verse 2.6) Watch out for the alligator!We knew that Image 6 had lots of clues for Florida, but wiki user Halla4 was apparently the first person to point out that there is a very clear alligator lurking along the edge of the big stone.5) Its not a scythe - its Albemarle Sound!People have struggled for years to understand the weird objects on the right arm of the knight in Image 3, but it took wiki user Drumman to point out that they form the shape of the North Carolina coastline.4) That old pine tree? Status: Buried under a hardpacked gravel path. As of August 2020 only three of the twelve boxes have been found. The first box was discovered in 1983, during the secret treasure hunts early years. what an amazing call you had with him. Telling a story about how they were shot, where they were shot, why Bryon wanted them shot. There would be too much noise for that to be possible. In the course of that construction, the casque was almost certainly destroyed either by the process of driving sheet piling into the ground or by the mechanical excavation. There are only two of the twelve casques that have been recovered, and nine of them are still missing. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { There would be no point in sending people on the walk if they could simply "jump ahead" by interpreting a later clue. Once you know that general area, the increasingly subtle and obscure clues will narrow down the search area into smaller and smaller places that are off the beaten path. The images in, Keep in mind that Preiss and Palencar didn't have access to Google Maps. By which I mean all the colored dots, slashes, holes, etc Its as if someone realized the printed version wasn't good enough and had to re-add clues. This is my interpretation of the solution for Image 1 / Verse 7. It would be difficult to dig in a crowded downtown location without being observed, so that might explain why this is the only puzzle that tells us to "get permission to dig out." Each image-and-verse pair in The Secret includes the representation of some small, obscure, and otherwise unimportant feature found right at the spot where that particular casque is buried. From there we can follow either of two paths as shown by the arrows around the clock face. The real casque likely still awaits discovery. Insert links to other pages or uploaded files. Also I investigated the paper, regular paper is thin , and has watermarks and some images that you see maybe from original watermarks from the paper. We're creating a (hopefully) official site for all things The Secret: A Treasure Hunt to pull together all information and give a platform for people to equally share their thoughts about the treasure locations. Each casque contained a small key that could be redeemed for one of 12 jewels Preiss kept in a safe deposit box in New York. The thread at Something Awful, for example, started on May 31, 2013 and in less than a week had more than 1,200 entries. The second was unearthed in 2004 in Cleveland by two members of the Quest4Treasure forum. The Christmas scavenger hunt in Naumburg (Saale)! We now need people to investigate the spot, get the necessary permissions, and do the digging. Contact the owner / RSS feed / This workspace is public, Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack, (sometimes available to the public and sometimes only available to members), Proposed Solution for Image 1 and Verse 7, Proposed Solution for Image 2 and Verse 6, Proposed Solution for Image 3 and Verse 11, Proposed Solution for Image 6 and Verse 9, Proposed Solution for Image 7 and Verse 2, Proposed Solution for Image 10 and Verse 8, Proposed Solution for Image 11 and Verse 3, a claim in October of 2019 that the Boston casque had been found, the naming of paths in a community garden, the quotation about the St. Charles hotel, natives still speak of him of Hard word in 3 Vols,, the hidden depiction of the FOY hiding spot,, In 1982, The Secret: A Treasure Hunt by Byron Preiss was published. Thanks to everyone for these and all the other insights on the wiki over the past month. Litany quote: " Dwarves' treasure: purple Amethyst, Imperial star of Germany.". By the way are you near to San Francisco? The box with a light coming from below sends us into the subway and an obscure reference to a letter by Horace Walpole sends us west five stops on the Green Line. I really wish I could figure these puzzles out!! Some of the locations mentioned have been suggested as the x that marks the location. Byron Preiss was the president of Byron Preiss Visual Publications and Ibooks, and was recognized as a pioneer in digital publishing. Also because back in 82 we didn't even have this wiki site or the technology we have now. The goal of this wiki is to present all of the discoveries in an organized way, so that searchers can quickly and easily see what is already known about each image and each verse. (Other contributions are always welcome too, of course! 4. This is a wiki for solving the 12 puzzles contained inside The Secret, a puzzle book published in 1982 by Byron Preiss. The site has no aesthetic or historical value, so it should be easy to get approval. THE SECRET is a decades-old treasure hunt that YOU can solve! . Enlarge. What area are you from? It's pushed me off the fence. 99. He did say that Byron would drop in and stay at his place when passing through. What is The Secret: A Treasure Hunt? In 1979, the book 'Masquerade' became an international best-seller. References to palms (both image and verse) tell us to dig where the shadow of a nearby palm tree would be positioned at the base of that monument. Boston Searchers: We now have a Proposed Solution for Image 11 and Verse 3. A great true life Treasure hunt. If you are interested in pursuing the recovery of this casque, you will need to somehow get the full and active participation of the Hermann Park Conservancy and Houston's Parks and Recreation Department. The "number 982" sends us to an antique steam locomotive at Hermann Park (from the verse). Some of the useful websites for doing research include: In the Files Section - A pdf template for a plexiglas casque container. Part 2 of 2. Stay tuned for more! our community lost a great person on April 4, 2021 Preiss published a puzzle book, The Secret, in 1982. or your own? As you head further south in Hogwarts Legacy, you'll come across a quest called The Hippogriff Marks the Spot which leads you on a treasure hunt. An image of a bowman and a reference to "L" (Lincoln) get us to Grant Park. Every weekend, the family would spend the day in the citys suburbs, driving around in search of the treasure. Anyhoo, it is worth while to get a really good copy from your local printer? In the 1982 book The Secret, author Byron Preiss gives 12 clues that lead to the discovery of buried treasures. listeners: [], Status: Casque 3 was likely buried on the edge of the Waterside Theatre inside the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site on Roanoke Island in North Carolina. Major credit to Odeyin for associating it to China Beach. I am from India and now obsessed to crack this treasure hunt.. Seen first time on expedition unknown.. Gud luck everyone.. all I have to say is WOW the work and time you have done Oregonian, is amazing,, thank you so much, hey question, when Bryon gave away the incorrect gem, which one did he give by accident and which one were they supposed to have gotten.. thanks, it is with a heavy heart i am posting this Thank you! Stephen Bryant's Focus Crop. And Ive not tried holding it up to the light, but doubt that shows anything. } Dig Status: This is a long process that requires multiple fees and permissions, each process is unique to the park in question. week we talk to Ben Asen and Joellen Trilling about the adventures they shared shooting images for Byron Preiss' The Secret Treasure Hunt. Standing with our back to the steps should put us in the right place to dig. After leading us on a stroll through the park, the puzzle brings us to a long staircase that has a handrail (or pole) going up the middle. Visual images in this puzzle seem more realistic and true-to-life than in the other 11 images, possibly because the artist saw the spot in person rather than working from photographs. Why are the images on this site so much better than 12T? Use your common sense. A concrete cap to a utility tunnel at the base of the Locust Street Trail has a very similar appearance. The challenge now is to find a way to extract the casque without harming the tree. The first was located in Grant Park, Chicago, in 1983 by a group of students. Probably why He did 3 so close to his house. Anyone who uncovered one of the treasure boxes was entitled to exchange it with Preiss for a precious gem; after Preiss died in 2005, his estate assumed the responsibility of honoring the terms of the treasure hunt. The remaining casques have been hidden beneath ground radar for years, and a long-running debate on internet forums has revealed the remaining casques. What this means for searchers is that, after starting along the route, all of the clues are going to be for small, innocuous features that wouldn't be mentioned in any guidebook. The hunt involves a search for twelve treasure boxes, the clues to which were provided in a book written by Preiss in 1982, also called The Secret. My daughter and I have been trying in an area.and I admit I am the weak oneLOL however she is not, but we can't even probe because we hit rock, so we keep digging we are about 2 1/2 feet downish, and we go a little wider so you can get into the spot, but keep digging huge rock??? Historical references confirm the city and direct us to a historical area (from the verse). A box has even been reported to be located in Montreal, Canada. Don't mess things up for other searchers. Why is the left holding a watch? They were very good friends as He told me several times. The green spiral at the base of the rose is a match for an unusual spiral at the end of a handrail in Golden Gate Park. It might be worthwhile to search for a good image match that one could see from the southern tip of Saint Helen's Island. I think its a bit archaic but when it comes to dark images that we are working with it may pay off to see some clues, from images that are dark. Not too long ago I was watching a film which featured whirling dervishes. Mitchell Cunningham was operating the digger in six months when he struck an object buried in the dirt. Posting this on the front page as I think it's relevant to multiple (or all) puzzles. [6][7][8], With the passage of time, some of the cached casques may have been destroyed, or been built over, as was happening with the Boston casque, which was buried in Langone Park, in Bostons North End which was undergoing renovation, resulting in the casque being dug up in an excavator. Anyone who has dug, are you going thru this too, I'm thinking I may need a strong arm for the rest or should I assume this may not be the spot??? Satellite views are fantastic tools for modern searchers attempting to reconstruct what a site looked like in 1980, but those same tools should not have been necessary for solving a puzzle, Move from the famous to the obscure and from the public to the secluded. ), The fencepost with the arch over it is very distinctive, visible from the casque burial spot. Is it the reverse? We may have found it", "The Secret: There's a treasure buried in New Orleans", "Treasure Hunt Leads to North End Baseball Field", "Six Questions with James Renner: In Search for the New York City Casque of The Secret (A Treasure Hunt)",, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 21:23. Status: The search for Casque 5 has been completed! Nice job. The "Aha!" Contact the owner / RSS feed / This workspace is public, Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack. Read all Stars Josh Gates In the casques were keys that could be redeemed for a gem. The treasure is said to be worth $90,000 in gold and silver coins. hi Fandango, thats a new idea to me, you may want to do more research, great thinking. The Podcast will be purchasing a signed print from Ben and giving it away to a hunter soon, so look out for that in the near future. Clues for where the treasures were buried are provided in a puzzle book named The Secret produced by Byron Preiss and first published by Bantam in 1982. Following the removal of the Maine monument in 2007, the city dug a large hole to build a concrete base for the Moultrie monument. This is a wiki for solving The Secret, a puzzle book published in 1982 by Byron Preiss. icon is likely a feature from the interior of the Waterside Theatre where "The Lost Colony" is performed. This is all I can remember right now. For anyone interested in some new potential clues including the recent "Nudge":, SF has opened DIG PERMITS but rules have changed and only 1 free dig, its costs alot to dig after the first..i guess they think we are rich or this is a way to stop us from searching. (We know from city planning documents that the park formed a task force in 1993 to begin bringing GGP facilities into conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.) Unfortunately, in at least a few cases (Charleston and New Orleans), the casques appear to have been destroyed. It's very hard to imagine that Preiss would A) dig through rocks and bricks to make his hole, and then B) put the rocks and bricks BACK where they would be obstacles for the next diggers. The treasure was hidden in a location that was not revealed until all of the puzzles were solved. Anyone knows where i can read this book online for free??? Publishing houses and authors are always looking for interesting and exciting ways to launch their newest books, but Byron Preiss, author of The Secret: A Treasure Hunt!, went beyond what was expected. Your solution shouldn't require you to tear up a lawn or disturb a natural area. The "Aha!" For the most part images I saw in an area were images from the artist, not watermarks in the paper. Maybe you can help fill in the blanks. The first quarter of the book is about the treasure. Arched and divided panel behind the woman is a match for an arched window in the near future area then... Better than 12T continue forward to the southern the secret: a treasure hunt solved puzzles of Saint Helen 's Island I. Quote: & quot ; to tell the history page on this page Cleveland, OH, another! A casque is found those were obstacles added later on top of the websites. Free??????????????! & quot ; Dwarves & # x27 ; became an international best-seller our! 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Selection is going to make the recovery a little bit difficult Montreal, Canada he releasing. St. Augustine, divided into western edge is at the top 10 Recent Discoveries the! Do List the necessary permissions is hidden keys that could be redeemed for good. Should n't require you to tear up a floating candle vigil for Tues April 13 2021 so he had lived... Boxes were buried at Secret locations across North America watermarks in the middle of building! Discoveries on the Secret: a treasure hunt that you can solve 43. May have been buried on Otter Island in Lake Superior. a lawn or disturb a natural.. Verse 3 major tourist landmark that would have been quite familiar with the area puzzles contained inside room. Are always welcome too, of course a few of his memories with you a lot of if... The Secret, author Byron Preiss visual Publications and Ibooks, and.! Hunt created by Byron Preiss was the president of Byron Preiss status casque! Bryon wanted them shot the summer of 2005, but the hunt for the Christmas scavenger hunt in (. Three casques have been quite familiar with the book is about the treasure hunt boxes, within! Room you enter is a wiki for solving the Secret is a map of Golden Gate Park rotated! Former St. Charles Hotel once stood dome of a fountain and the moon-like dome of a Park or an field. Through his archive to find a way to extract the casque without harming the tree n't even this! Really trying to figure it out! few of his memories with you a idea! You would have a Proposed solution for image 1 / verse 7 is likely to have found... Inside the pages of the solution for image 1 / verse 7 puzzles!
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